Produced by all-women directors, camera crews, writers and editors, this series of short film portraits reveal untold stories of women creatives who preserve Hawai‘i history and culture through film. Now in its fifth season, REEL WĀHINE OF HAWAI‘I features prominent filmmakers such as Alison Week, a filmmaker based in Waimea, Hawaiʻi, whose personal film work aims to uplift stories of women and represent her island home, Chaunnel ''Pākē'' Salmon is an award-winning filmmaker and entrepreneur from Hawaiʻi, who draws inspiration from Hawaiian surf legends and nature to showcase the beauty of Hawaiʻi''s stories and culture to a global audience. Lola Quan Bautista, born and raised on the island of Guam, has been doing research on Micronesian migration, settlement in urban spaces, and ongoing connections between diasporic communities and their home island nations, Robin Lung, a fourth-generation Chinese American filmmaker from Hawaiʻi, who specializes in bringing untold stories of minorities and women to the big screen, Shirley Thompson, a renowned documentary producer, editor, and director, and Tiare Ribeaux, a Kānaka Maoli filmmaker based in Honolulu, whose films use magical realism to critique social and ecological imbalances, and the connection between our bodies and land and water systems, focusing on transformation.