《 烈火青春 》 4K 修復導演版
Four attractive souls, equal parts rich and working class, form a tragic romantic bond of ennui, anomie, absurdity, love, and violence in (Wong Kar Wai mentor) Patrick Tam’s genre-defying Hong Kong New Wave watershed. Wealthy Louis (Leslie Cheung) and his cousin Kathy (Pat Ha) hook up with Tomato (Cecilia Yip) and Pong (Kent Tong) amidst various urban antics. Harkening to Japan’s sun tribe trend of the 50’s, they mostly hang out and indulge in hedonistic pursuits until an ex-revolutionary shows up and sets the tone even more off kilter.
A transcendent example of cinema at its most freewheeling, this treatise on bohemian upheaval seduces with its garish rom com tropes and avant-garde leanings, only to turn the entire affair upside down with wild plot twists and kinetic set-pieces. Omnisciently teetering between calculated camp and art house of a unique pedigree, this is an irrepressible must-see masterpiece, restored to the director''s original vision (the theatrical version was heavily edited for censorship approval) and gloriously remastered and restored in 4k.
《烈火青春》描寫香港一些年青男女的性與愛,場面大膽,如湯鎮業與夏文汐在電車上造愛一幕在當年曾引起爭議。而張國榮與葉童是純情的愛,處於愛情十字路口的葉童對張國榮一見鐘情,二人互相憐愛,順理成章發生關係,自然而美妙。 本片除性與愛亦暗示了香港中洋文化交雜的特式,富家子女張國榮和夏文汐,前者是西洋化而內向懷舊,後者是東洋化而侵略性。譚家明將中洋文化融為一體,打破了彼此界限,電影風格極為瀟灑。本片反映年青人對性愛的態度,打破傳統電影規限,內容創新大膽,細膩描述男女之間愛慾的牽引。
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