In the small Himalayan country of Bhutan, Happiness Agents are working for the Ministry of Gross National Happiness (GNH). They are collecting data for the Happiness Survey in order to create 5-year-happiness plans to increase the Happiness Index of the society.
The film follows two such Happiness Agents, Amber and Gunaraj, as they traverse the Bhutanese countryside in search of answers. While Gunaraj is a serious family man, Amber is a relentless romantic, who dreams about finding a wife. His day job is to document happiness in others’ lives while he searches for his own. Through their journey, we encounter everyday people from different social classes and get to know their personal stories and aspirations. Meanwhile, Amber struggles with what it means to be happy in his country as a member of the Nepali minority, without official rights of citizenship. A heart-warming, multi-layered and nuanced exploration of what happiness means both to the individual, and to the nation. In the face of adversity, what does it mean to find joy?