As the first female Maasai filmmaker, Laissa Malih initially set out to document the land-based practices of her forefathers and ways in which climate change is reshaping Maasai communities. In returning to the IL-Laikipiak Maasai village that her parents left when she was a child, Malih experiences an epiphany: her own life is a reflection of the myriad challenges between Maasai youth and elders, women and men, ancestral ways of passing down essential knowledge and modern methods of education. In ENCHUKUNOTO (The Return), Malih’s singular perspective also challenges ways in which the Maasai peoples have long been seen and documented by tourists and other outsiders. Interweaving verite with Malih’s insights, Malih offers a heretofore unseen perspective as an insider and an outsider, a woman among men, a filmmaker carrying on sacred Maasai traditions of storytelling in an era defined by uncertainty.



Laissa Malih


Kavita Pillay, Tracy Rector, Adam Mazo, Taylor Hensel 


Laissa Malih, Kavita Pillay


Featuring: Dukuya Lekominga, Nderi Lolinge, Patrick Ole Saikong, Reuben Legei, Clinto Lekominga, Rupes Caro, Sarah Lenoi, Sarah Mamai, Yustine Nashaki, Lekominga family, Mejooli Wilfred''s family, Seers of Olkinyei village, Youth of Arjiju village


Franklyne Mudulia Manono