SHAKA, A STORY OF ALOHA investigates the origins, history, and meanings of the iconic Shaka gesture. The film begins with surfers throwing Shakas and questioning where it came from, leading to a Green Room scene at a Shaka Contest that frames the challenges of using it authentically. The story then traces the Shaka backwards in time, from its use by Miss Universe Brook Lee and Ken Hara’s Shaka Battalion in Iraq, through its progression in surfing, extreme sports, journalism, politics, entertainment including Elvis Presley, and Japanese Buddhism. Intriguing origin theories are also examined, including possible connections to Shaka Zulu, marbles players, Portuguese drinking, a leprosy colony on Moloka’i Island, a 1906 schoolboy photograph, and the story of Hamana Kalili and North Shore train jumpers. The film concludes back at the Shaka Contest, illustrating a myriad of Shakas for various contexts and delivers how the Shaka is the secret to creating and maintaining paradise anywhere in the world. The La’ie community figures large in this documentary that tries to find the origins of the state’s “Swiss army knife” of good-natured gestures.

Purchase Tickers to Palace Theater HERE

Purchase Tickets to Waimea Kahilu Theater HERE

Purchase Tickets to the MACC HERE


What are STANDY/RUSH Tickets?
Rush tickets are offered when a screening or event is sold out. The Rush system functions as a standby line that will form at the venue approximately one hour prior to scheduled start time. Admittance is based on availability and will begin roughly 10 minutes prior to program start time. Rush Tickets are the same price as advance tickets and are payable upon entry.



Alexander Bocchieri


Steve Sue


Steve Sue


Steve Sue, Kekela Miller, Gen. Kenneth Hara, Brook Lee, Frank Delima, Fred Hemmings, Joyce Fasi, Harold Pukahi, Jack Cione, Bill Sharp, Laverne Pukahi, Peter Townend, Ian Cairns, Bob Sigall, Isaiah Walker, John “Keoni” Kauwe III, Paul Udell, Moana Jones Wong, Lanai Tabura, Joel “Baldy” Apuakehau, Henry Kapono, Charles Bargas, Charles Block, Todd Bradley, Cy Bridges, Wally Camp, Kathy Collins, Benjamin Dela Cruz, Charles Fasi, Mike Foley, Victor Fonoimoana, Loa Funaki, Jeff Griffith, Vanini Hao, Adrienne Hurlbut, Robert Lono Ikuwe, Zachary Jackson, Mona Kahawaii, George Kaumoku, Joshua Hipp Kamai, Maria Latu, Jeff Livingston, Kekela Lombard, Delta Moe, Reily Moffatt, Jon Nouchi, Yuji Okumoto, Vernal Pratt, Robert Au Puck, Kaizen Reyes, Michael Sun Lee, Bryan Suzuki, George Tanabe, Ryoso Toshima, Michael Victorio


Alexander Bocchieri, Kristle Backe



6:00 PM — Consolidated Theatres Kahala

1:00 PM — Consolidated Theatres Kahala

8:00 PM — Consolidated Kapolei

1:00 PM — Maui Arts & Cultural Center

3:00 PM — Waimea Kahilu Theater

7:00 PM — Kauai Community College

4:30 PM — Palace Theater
