Seven years after the last ''roundup,'' Detective Ma Seok-do (HIFF43 Maverick Award honoree Don Lee) joins a new squad to investigate a murder case. Soon, he finds out this case involves busting a deadly new drug called Hiper that is being distributed in Seoul nightclubs. Meanwhile, the guy behind this new drug operation—Joo Sung-chul (Lee Jun-hyuk)—doesn’t stop looking to make waves, to the point that the Japanese gang, who is selling it to Sung-chul for Korean distribution, comes to Korea to join the chaos. Things are just about to get out of hand when enters Detective Ma, coming to shut it down with his intuition to break cases, and break many faces with his monstrous fists.
THE ROUNDUP: NO WAY OUT is the third chapter in South Korea''s biggest film franchise, raking in tens of millions of Korean Won since the first film, THE OUTLAWS, came out in 2017. The fourth chapter is already in post-production with the intent of eight chapters in this series, and potentially two spin-offs, much like the FAST & FURIOUS franchise. Spearheaded by Don Lee himself, as star, producer and lead creative HIFF is presenting this latest film as a special presentation with Korean superstar Don Lee in attendance to participate in an after-film conversation about his cross-cultural career.
대체불가 괴물형사 마석도, 서울 광수대로 발탁! 베트남 납치 살해범 검거 후 7년 뒤, ‘마석도’(마동석)는 새로운 팀원들과 함께 살인사건을 조사한다. 사건 조사 중, ‘마석도’는 신종 마약 사건이 연루되었음을 알게 되고 수사를 확대한다. 한편, 마약 사건의 배후인 ‘주성철'(이준혁)은 계속해서 판을 키워가고약을 유통하던 일본 조직과 ‘리키'(아오키 무네타카)까지 한국에 들어오며 사건의 규모는 점점 더 커져가는데…
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