In celebration of its 50th anniversary, the festival presents a restored version of Tobe Hooper’s horror genre classic and gruesome satire of American values. A heartland road trip by a ragtag bunch of teens becomes a nightmarish descent of abduction by a family of cannibals, including the now-iconic hulk of a masked killer known as Leatherface. The late Roger Ebert wrote memorably in a negative review that the movie “wants to tramp crap through our imaginations and wipe its feet on our dreams.” A film that truly changed the American horror genre forever, sending shockwaves across the globe and inspiring generations of filmmakers THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE remains one of the most brutal horror films to-date.
This film will be preceded by Alexandre Philippe’s detailed romp through the reverberating influence of the film in his documentary CHAIN REACTIONS. Come for the doc, stay for the horror!