“Treasures'' was a series which aired on KHON from 1986 - 1988 and featured unsung heroes and unique individuals in Hawai‘i. The three episodes will focus on the following subjects: Waimea-born Harriet Purdy, a high diver and swimmer, known as the Hawaiian Cannonball at Atlantic CIty''s Steel Pier in the 1930s; revered Kumu Hula Kau‘i Zuttermeister who has left a legacy that endures today and is shared by her daughter Kumu Hula Noenoelani Zuttermeister; avid waterman Tommy Holmes, one of the founders of the Polynesian Voyaging Society credited for riding the largest waves ever in an outrigger canoe. Hosted by Brickwood Galuteria and produced in partnership with the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, this program reminds us of the importance of documenting individuals who have wisdom and knowledge to share across generations. Although these subjects have passed on, their stories live on for future generations to learn from these true local ''treasures.'' Following the film, a panel discussion will include series director Tim Savage, Kumu Hula Noenoelani Zuttermeister, Desoto Brown, Bishop Museum historian and ʻUluʻulu Head Archivist Janel Quirante.
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