HIFF XR: Join the astral plane online with STARCAST w/ VIBRATION GROUP on November 12, 6pm HST

As part of this year’s HIFF XR, the Festival is honored to host a special live performance online mounted by the experimental opera STARCAST with VIBRATION GROUP. Visit the HIFF XR Spotlight to see the entire program. 
The VIBRATION GROUP is a spaceship-dwelling commune of migrants who have left Earth due to climate change, violence, off-Earth labor contracts, and broken hearts. They reject the idea of being settlers on another’s planet, leaving them stuck in suspension as they travel through the cosmos engaging in research and regeneration of the self. As they live in displacement from their homes and families, the VIBRATION GROUP has been developing methods for co-existing in isolation. Through their many avenues of embodied research, they have refined these skills and continue to observe the benefits to their bodies, minds, and spirits.
Guests are invited to take part in a special focus group of this unique research and methodology. Join the VIBRATION GROUP for an astral voyage with meditation, music, dance, and a rare visit to the intergalactic library of knowledge. By beaming onto their ship, you’ll help spread their message of healing and resiliency in hopes that it will reverberate across their beloved home planet Earth. This performance is part of the VIBRATION GROUP experimental opera.
The live performance premiered at the Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions last November, where guests entered through a plant-filled interactive installation, along with a virtual reality experience designed by collaboration Ana Carolina Estarita Guerrero and Tonia B******.

STARCAST with VIBRATION GROUP is a special online performance and a new work designed with social distancing in mind and is part of the Vibration Group universe. The performance will include some music from the opera. So log in to Zoom, buckle up, and get ready for “virtual” live experience as you enter into the Vibration Group’s astral plane.

This event is FREE and is scheduled for November 12, 6:00pm HST. Click here to BOOK YOUR TICKET. 

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