Programmer’s Picks: STATE OF STATELESSNESS is an anthology of Tibetans in exile

The first-ever Tibetan-language anthology feature film produced is screening in the HIFF ‘Ōpio Fest after its world premiere at the Busan Film Festival. STATE OF STATELESSNESS: TALES FROM THE TIBETAN DIASPORA is comprised of four short segments directed by Tibetan filmmakers living in exile in India, America and Vietnam. Each film delves into the profound themes of statelessness and migration, and captures the poignant realities of Tibetans scattered across the globe.

The filmmakers comprise of a hui called Drung Tibetan Filmmakers’ Collective, primarily based in Dharamshala. The anthology film is deeply rooted in the themes of exile, migration, and identity.

In a recent interview prior to STATE OF STATELESSNESS’s Busan world premiere, Tenzin Tsetan Choklay (one of the filmmakers of the collective) said, “through the personal and intimate stories in the film, we aim to evoke empathy and understanding for those who live without a state to call their own. We hope that viewers will leave with a greater appreciation for the shared human experience, realizing that the struggles of stateless people are universal, and that we all face similar challenges regardless of nationality or borders.”

In the end, this is an important film because it sheds light on the struggles of displaced Tibetans, a people who cannot claim a country yet work tirelessly to preserve their identity in exile. Through this lens, STATE OF STATELESSNESS not only tells the Tibetan story but also amplifies the broader, urgent conversation about refugee communities across the world.


April 9, 6:30pm Consolidated Kahala Theaters (One Screening Only

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