Volunteers are the backbone of HIFF! With the help of our amazing volunteers, we are able to bring together the film industry, local filmmakers, international stars, first-time actors, and film enthusiasts from all walks of life for our cinema and educational programming. HIFF promises to be an exciting and memorable experience.

Mahalo nui loa to our amazing team of volunteers! From our street team, to our special events team, and to the true champions of the festival – our theater team; thank you for making 2023 HIFF Fall Festival a HUGE SUCCESS! Because of the heart that you brought, behind the scenes and in front, we were able to welcome film enthusiasts and filmmakers into the wonderful experience that is Hawai‘i International Film Festival! We look forward to making more memories with you in the future! Please feel free to share your favorite festival memories with us on Instagram and Facebook or @HiffVolunteers! -Joey
Volunteers for HIFF SCREENINGS AND EVENTS ARE needed to assist with the following activities:
- Theater Operations for film screenings
- Special Events staff for outdoor screenings and other live events
- Program guide distribution
- Tech & Projection Booth Assistants
- Festival Drivers and Airport Greeters
- English Interpreters for Filmmaker Q&As (Korean, Japanese, Cantonese, Mandarin)
- Virtual Reality Exhibit Operations Assistants
- Info Booth Attendants and Ushers
- Screening vouchers
- Festival Swag
- Snacks, coffee and meals on many occasions
- Tons of Friends
- Invitations to parties and festival activites
- Interact with international filmmakers and Hollywood personalities
To become a volunteer we ask that you work a minimum of two shifts and if you have never volunteered before, attend one of our scheduled volunteer orientation meetings.
If it is your first time volunteering, please don’t be shy and join us when you are available! We will give you a 15 minute rundown of volunteer duties and expectations before the start of your first shift.
If you are interested in volunteering with HIFF, please click the button bellow to apply.
Or email [email protected] for more information about future volunteering opportunities.
We look forward to having you as part of the HIFF Team!
Consent to be photographed/filmed: HIFF and its representatives may photograph, film, and/or otherwise record attendees at all festival activities. By attending, you consent to such photography, filming, and/or recording and to any use in any and all media throughout the universe in perpetuity and without compensation for the use of your appearance, voice, and name for promotional and/or advertising, or any other purpose by HIFF and its affiliates and representatives.