FINDING SATOSHI was an official selection of the 42nd Hawai‘i International Film Festival presented by Halekulani

HIFF ONLINE CREATIVES & CRITICS IMMERSIVE (HOCCI) mentee David Murray sits down with his buddy Terry to discuss about the film FINDING SATOSHI directed Laurent Barthelemy and is part of HIFF42’s New American Perspectives presented by the Vilcek Foundation.  Their discussion was recorded as a HIFF TALKS podcast episode.

Check out the trailer for FINDING SATOSHI:

FINDING SATOSHI Trailer from Mt. MELVIL on Vimeo.

You can listen to David and Terry’s discussion about FINDING SATOSHI in the latest episode of HIFF TALKS below:

My name is David Murray. A resident of O’ahu for nearly my entire life, I am currently a Senior at UH Manoa working towards my Bachelors of Arts in Creative Media, but I previously studied English at University of Montana Western. I plan on pursuing a master’s degree in screenwriting and/or Film studies. On a personal note, I am abit of a genre nerd, with a special interest in Horror, Animation, and Cult films. While my aspirations lie in higher education (and hopefully a career in Screenwriting), it is also my goal to write and create content about pieces of media (Film, Television, etc.) that captivate me or otherwise would be unlikely to garner any serious academic attention.

The mission of the HIFF ONLINE CREATIVES & CRITICS IMMERSIVE (HOCCI) program is to encourage film criticism in Hawai‘i by using the influencer branding strategies to spark career opportunities in the State and not be hampered by oceans, state borders and distance, because geography is no longer a barrier. Ten mentees participated in this program, giving them press industry access to HIFF42. In addition, the cohort attended mentoring sessions by working critics in the online film journalism community in unique silos: Writing, Podcasting, Video Essays and Vlogging.

Mahalo to DBEDT Creative Industries and Creative Lab Hawaii for their support.

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