FREE Community Education Screening at Kaua’i Community College Performing Arts Center

As part of HIFF’s Youth Education Screenings program, we are proud to present two local award-winning films at a special public presentation and the Hawai’i premiere of THE QUEEN’S FLOWERS and STANDING ABOVE THE CLOUDS with the filmmakers of both films in attendance on Friday, November 1st at 10:00 AM at the Kaua’i Performing Arts Center. Get your free tickets to attend at

If you are a school group on Kaua’i, please RSVP at:


A magical take on a true story, THE QUEENʻS FLOWERS is an animated short adventure for kids that follows Emma, a Native Hawaiian girl in 1915 Honolulu, as she makes a special gift for the last monarch of Hawai`i, Queen Lili`uokalani.


Standing Above the Clouds highlights the movement to protect Mauna Kea through the intergenerational stories of women in three Native Hawaiian families as they stand for the sacred mountain. The film follows teacher and community organizer Pua Case and her two daughters — artist-activists Hāwane Rios and Kapulei Flores — who have been called to stop the telescope since 2010. Their lives quickly become consumed with frontline actions and court proceedings and immersed in ceremonies and cultural practices. As they face opposition and arrests, they are joined by a community who have dedicated their lives to protecting Mauna Kea. The film is an intimate journey through the women’s lives both on and off the mountain, and explores the physical and emotional toll of sustaining a grassroots movement. After nine months of living on the mountain and establishing a frontline camp, Standing Above The Clouds shows their journey to heal once they return to their homes in March 2020. In the face of challenges and tragedy, the mountain gifts each woman with hope and strength and the understanding that victory is in standing in unity for sacred places and that healing occurs through the sisterhood they have created along the way.

Learn more about the HIFF44 Kaua’i Showcase taking place Nov 1-3 at KCC PAC at:

Interested in volunteering for our Kaua’i Showcase? Sign up here.

For any questions, email us at [email protected]

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