HOCCI @ HIFF42: SHE SAID Review [Podcast]

SHE SAID was an official selection of the 42nd Hawai‘i International Film Festival presented by Halekulani. It is currently in commercial release in U.S. theaters.

HIFF ONLINE CREATIVES & CRITICS IMMERSIVE (HOCCI) mentee Jim Fahey sits down with Leo Williams, a NY-based film critic, to discuss about the film SHE SAID directed by Maria Schrader. They compare and contrast with other iconic journalism films like ALL THE PRESIDENT’S MEN and SPOTLIGHT among others. How does SHE SAID compare?

Listen to to their review on HIFF TALKS, the official podcast of the Hawai‘i International Film Festival:

Jim Fahey is an emerging film critic and curator who just entered the industry as the Assistant Director of the Common Good International Film Festival, based out of Claremont, CA. He has spent the past year building his resumé at the University of Edinburgh, where he completed a Master’s program in Film, Exhibition & Curation. During that time he served as a film critic for The Student, the longest-running student newspaper in the UK, and also began Airplane Mode, a film-review blog currently available on Substack. He is a driven student of cinema and is excited to develop his critical voice at HIFF’s Online Creative and Critics’ Immersive.

The mission of the HIFF ONLINE CREATIVES & CRITICS IMMERSIVE (HOCCI) program is to encourage film criticism in Hawai‘i by using the influencer branding strategies to spark career opportunities in the State and not be hampered by oceans, state borders and distance, because geography is no longer a barrier. Ten mentees participated in this program, giving them press industry access to HIFF42. In addition, the cohort attended mentoring sessions by working critics in the online film journalism community in unique silos: Writing, Podcasting, Video Essays and Vlogging.

Mahalo to DBEDT Creative Industries and Creative Lab Hawaii for their support.

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